We all grew up in malls. As kids, and as adolescents, they used to be eagerly anticipated destinations for freedom from our parents, places to meet our friends, safe hang out spots (food vendors, movie theaters, arcades), and clothing stores to craft our image and style with their products. Some of my first jobs were working customer service for small business owners and corporate chain stores in these malls. My family moved around a lot, but the malls were a constant social lynchpin that provided much more than products.
In college, I always had two jobs : retail management at a mall during the days, and hospitality management at a restaurant during the nights. I always dreamed of starting my own business, like my father, who died when I was young. Those years of long, hard work prepared me to build and run my own small business, and it was during this period that the company concept took form. Everyone loves their automobile, regardless of their sex, race, religion, age, language, or culture. Also, everyone is a unique individual, with their own style. This was the inspiration for Represent Your Style, Inc.
After college, I worked out a deal with a retiring business owner to purchase a kiosk-based small business at my local mall. Banks would not loan money at the time, but another local entrepreneur made me a low interest loan to purchase my laser machinery. I worked from open to close for more than 400 consecutive days to pay off the business and machinery before hiring my first employee. That was a great day.
Through the years that followed, I expanded the business in size and scope. More locations were opened in nearby cities. More employees were hired. More suppliers were discovered. Merchandise and material prices were lowered. Experience was gained. Relationships were forged. We strove to become the very best at what we do. We have the highest quality. We have the lowest prices. Our customer service is on point. Some things are more important than profits. Things like people, quality, and pride in craftsmanship.

When you buy from us, you are supporting American manufacturing jobs. It broke my heart to learn that in our modern economy, American manufacturing, once the very backbone of our prosperity and national security, is now only 1% of our annual GDP. The reputation of our parents and grandparents was that of discovering, inventing, and perfecting... well... everything. What will our legacy be?
If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well. I decided from the beginning that I wanted to order my merchandise, and my raw materials, from companies located in the United States ONLY. I knew it would cost more, and I made it my company policy anyway. I had seen the negative effects that cheap, imported, mass produced merchandise (and the companies that sold it) had on our economy; especially on locally owned small businesses. There is enough cheap crap in the marketplace.
I also decided that I would only use top shelf materials. It would have been easier to create and sell a product that was made of cheaper materials, and was quicker to make. My logic was always that if you are going to put your name on something, and you are going to spend the time and the sweat of your life doing it, then you might as well put forth your best efforts, and create the best possible product, even if it costs a little more, or takes a little longer. Looks matter, when it matters how you look.

The malls are the past. The internet is the future. Such is the way of the world.
This truth became apparent during/after The Great Recession and the years following. Even in the midst of our current unprecedented economic growth, it is clear that the decline of the mall retail model was not a temporary trend, but is in fact “the new normal”. Life evolves in cycles, and retail is no exception to this rule. The sentimentality of my childhood mall experiences never clouded my business decisions in this regard. I got out early. Others were not as fortunate. We have grown and evolved with the trends and technology of the times, and have brought all of our expertise and experience in our craft with us. We look forward to growing with our customers and serving their needs well into the future. Since we love what we do, we will always take more pride in our work, and will thus be more proficient at it than our competition. This is the secret to our success. There is no substitute for hard work.
The proof is in the product. Period.
Please trust us to help you express yourself by decorating your automobile or room today.
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